Friday, April 18, 2008

All About Life

Simply Fun Marriage

Life, that's what. Responsibility, bank accounts, sickness, mortgages, grocery bills and kids who start out so cute, but can also pull parents in all directions. Most can be good things, but somehow they can also crowd out the just plain fun.

When was the last time you really had fun with your sweetie? Do you even think of them as your sweetie, or were you just thinking to remind them to take out the trash? Griping and complaining are not fun. So why do we married folk spend so much time doing that instead of the fun? Life is way too short.

Make up your own day! Surprise your lovey. Don't wait for a holiday. And you don't have to spend a lot of money, but sometimes spending a little money doesn't hurt. Once in a while you have to think big. Or little.

Whatever is fun for you – do it! Find something you love to do together. There is something you must enjoy doing together. If not, remember back to the romance days. Sports events? The beach? Table games. Do something new and don't be afraid to try. Maybe you can take turns picking something new.

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